We had a great time in Idaho visiting Grandma and Papa. The boys went to scout camp with Papa. Cameron got to learn the rules of gun safety and see an old mine house. The girls visited at Grandma's and enjoyed some R&R.
They both had to try on Papa's boots. Maybe someday they will fit.

This old stove used to be outside at my grandparents house. We used to make mud pies when we would go to visit. Those are fond memories. We told Cameron the stories of making mud pies, so of course he had to have the "recipe". So I taught him everything I know! Isn't that just the best mud pie you have ever seen?

We took them up to the Elba Park to play on the new playgound.

I think I still like the old swing set the best.
In the car on the way to Idaho and back. Cameron started telling Knock Knock jokes. Mostly about chicken of course. Jorie who is Cameron's little copy cat soon picked up on it too. The video above is her telling her very own, made up, knock knock joke.